
Dhwani Harde

Certified Public Accountant

Dhwani Harde is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with more than 20 years of experience and expertise in Accounting, Taxation, Finance and Auditing. She is the founder of Axel Tax Consulting Service, LLC, a company that is specialized in managing client relationships, Tax Planning & Consulting Services.

She has earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting and Indian legal studies from India and has earned a CPA certificate in Arizona. She has worked in private and public sectors for the past 20 years and worked in various industries including real estate, hospitality, healthcare, professional services, manufacturing and life insurance.

Dhwani loves her work as much as she loves being a mother to two girls. She is extremely passionate about all of her clients and takes time to get to know them. She is constantly finding new endeavors to grow herself in professionally and personally. She likes challenges, reading, yoga, traveling. Outside of work, Dhwani spends most of her time as the Vice President Logistics Chair of Phoenix chapter of an international non-profit called Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care. She is also a member of the National Charity League.